More initiatives for 2033!

One of the values of JC2033 is unity. That's why we're linking up with other initiatives to celebrate the 2000th anniversary of the coming death and resurrection of Jesus. For the 2023-2033 decade, an ever-increasing number of movements have set out on their own.

For example, we also took part in a meeting in New York that brought together several evangelical and Pentecostal missions. The invitation came from Billy Wilson, president of the Pentecostal World Fellowship, as well as Empowered21 and Rick Warren of Saddleback Church and FTT (Finishing the Task).

Further information

At Alpha International's "Leadership Conference" in London in May 2023, with over 5,000 leaders, or the "Amsterdam23" conference with over 6,000 participants, organized in June 2023 by Empowered21, the theme of 2033 came up in the first few minutes, as a matter of course for Nicky Gumbel in London or for Pastor Billy Wilson in Amsterdam.

In the Catholic Church, the "Global 2033" initiative brings together several movements that have introduced 2033 into their programs. We were invited to the first global meeting in Rome last February.

Christian leaders launch the decade

The "Charis" movement (Catholic Charismatic Renewal), in collaboration with the Vatican Dicastery for the Family, has just invited the entire Catholic Church to an "Agenda 2033". Martin and Olivier are invited to a special 2033 evening in Rome to present JC2033.

Charis International.

"Ensemble pour l'Europe" (Together for Europe), representing more than 300 communities and movements from different Churches, offers us a special place to present JC2033 in October in the beautiful city of Timisoara, Romania.

Together for Europe

There's also a "Global 2033 Communication Network", initiated by our friend Mike Mobley of Phoenix, Arizona, to which we make a Zoom contribution every 3 months.

A scoop at the end of June is that the General Assembly of the World Evangelical Alliance in 2025 has chosen the perspective of 2033 as one of its main axes. Olivier will be speaking at the preparatory meeting in Istanbul in October.

World Evangelical Alliance

Finally, we are working with the Orthodox Church on the "Easter together 2025" initiative, to live out the common date of Easter among all the churches. It underlines the importance of Easter as the heart of the Christian faith.

Easter Together 2025 with the Orthodox Church.

As in 2028 and 2031 - when the dates will also be common - this year 2025 will be an important step towards 2033.

Why not organize a special gathering in your region or village to celebrate the Resurrection at Easter 2025?

Flyer on the "Decade of the Resurrection"